Kundalini Musings (Life Force Books, 2018) is a compendium of kundalini knowledge and experience, consisting of 82 essays written over the past seven years. Each essay has been edited and updated to reflect the latest findings across a broad spectrum of kundalini research — a wide assortment of kundalini-related topics and writings under one cover, all of JJ Semple’s 40 plus years of kundalini experience contained in this one book. There’s more to kundalini than the usual bromides about dormant energy at the base of the spine.< "Kundalini is never dormant! Kundalini is the biological life force energy in your body; it functions in two quite different states. In its creative state, it’s known as Kundalini Shakti — creative in the sense that it shapes your very substance in the womb. After birth, it works in the background as Prana Shakti, the maintenance state of kundalini.
“And unless it reactivates involuntarily or you reactivate it intentionally through the practice of a reliable method like Golden Flower Meditation (GFM), it remains in the background throughout your life. Think of it as a racing car that’s idling; the motor’s turning, but it’s not going anywhere. And yet, it manages your body’s autonomic functions: cell division, breathing, blood flow, digestion — without you’re being aware of it or appreciating it. Like a computer routine that works in the background, it’s there. If it stopped working altogether, you’d be dead.”
Kundalini was first discovered by the ancients during religious or ceremonial practices — before organized science existed. It has retained its religious origins or roots; it is still part of some religious practices. For example, meditation — an integral part of some religions — can induce kundalini safely and permanently.
Nevertheless, more and more people now acknowledge the awakened kundalini as a science with its own anatomical, physiological, and embryological actualities. Why? People have realized that kundalini is a biological process, not a belief system.
If you’re a Buddhist, you can be converted to another belief system. You can change your mind and become a Christian or a Jew. You cannot be converted to kundalini any more than you can be converted to an orgasm or a heart attack. They are biological processes, not cults or belief systems. You don’t “believe” in the physiological channels, chakras, nadis, or energy centers known to kundalini adepts. They are fact. Someday, science will acknowledge this, just as a growing number of people who’ve awakened kundalini have.
Moreover, because it’s a science, kundalini is not about bliss states, even though a kundalini awakening often induces behavioral states, not dissimilar to religious ecstasy. I believe this is due to the fact that kundalini opens up vistas of higher consciousness that most people never experience — states which are so breathtaking and so different from “normal” consciousness that people tend to believe they’ve been catapulted into a kind of wonderland or Oz.
In olden days, spiritual pursuit was more of a trial-by-fire that required proving yourself before being admitted to the ultimate truths. Contemporary seekers of enlightenment, truth, self-realization would chuckle at the prospect of building and tearing down towers and would quickly move on to the nearest strip mall offering kundalini yoga, a tee shirt, a yoga mat at a 10% discount.
Western civilization is not cut out for "slow work." We want answers, shortcuts, formulae, handholding and all manner of emotional sustenance — especially the “high-maintenance” among us. After all, compared to the life of an eleventh century Tibetan monk, all modern Americans are fairly high maintenance.
Back then, the student stayed with the teacher/guide/guru 24-7, living in his house or boarding with a group of like-minded seekers — however long it took. Today, it's fitting in an hour of Tai Chi here and there, then back to the rat race.
And instead of being in the now, we let our minds bask on past glories, such as they were, often sugar coating memories, turning them into triumphs.
Without the harsh discipline imposed by the teachers of yore, our minds are bombarded with doubts and longings; we can’t stay focused on the present. No towers to build and tear down; no sure source to turn to for advice. And yet the towers are still there, in other forms, of course: bills to pay, dishes to wash, jobs to go to, meals to cook, beds to make, dogs to walk, intimate conversations to have. These are our towers. All we have to do is recognize them and change the ways we think about the various intrusions in our personal space and daily lives.
Once we're able to change perspective, the task is no longer drudgery, but an exercise in mindfulness. And once mindful, our deep breathing kicks in to lower stress, making us even more mindful, and we whisk through menial tasks joyfully.
Mindful, we no longer waste time questioning things that must be done and we see our daily life as an extension of the weekend workshop or the Thursday yoga class. The paradigm is turned around; the restlessness vanishes. It begins to make sense: That it's not so much about abstractions as it is about learning to remember yourself.
This book has a single unifying factor — kundalini. It’s my hope that the knowledge and experience I’ve gained helps you avoid some of the pitfalls and challenges connected to arousing and living with this evolutionary energy. Available now in Print and eBook formats — 364 pages of unadulterated kundalini information:
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