If you’ve heard of Kundalini, you know it’s the Sanscrit term for the hidden energy subsystem in the human body. You may also know that Life Force is the closest jargon-free English approximation for the term Kundalini. I use the two terms interchangeably, even though the Sanscrit Kundalini is more widely employed. So whether you say Life Force, Chi, Orgone, or Kundalini, you’re probably aware of the burgeoning scientific and lay interest in this topic. Nevertheless, up to recent times, material scientists have considered Life Force a fruitless, if not vain, field of study.
More and more people, however, now reject the premise that the Life Force is some kind of quixotic pseudoscience; there are just too many credible anecdotal accounts. And too many people using their bodies as laboratories in the quest to identify and define the entirety as well as the significance of the Kundalini/Life Force. I call these individuals Life Force scientists.
Now Life Force Science may sound like new age mumbo-jumbo. That is not the case. Much like a material scientist, who examines the physical world, the Life Force scientist explores the metaphysical world, using the empirically-based scientific method to verify his findings. To investigate metaphysical secrets, the Life Force scientist uses his/her body as a laboratory, never hesitating to experiment with his/her own being. Life Force Science is really an extension of evolutionary biology. You see, Life Force scientists have found that Kundalini is capable of speeding up personal evolution, optimizing and refining the being during a single lifetime, so that the next reincarnation of the energy field known as YOU will be more highly evolved.
The basis of Life Force Science is sexual alchemy, the term used for the process known as sexual sublimation. Sound strange? Not if you realize that the Buddha, Jakob Böhme, Lao Tse, Gopi Krishna were Life Force scientists. In their own way, so were Louis Pasteur and Dr. Barry Marshall, the man who exposed himself to the bacteria causing ulcers in order to prove he discovered a cure in the laboratory of his own body.
What’s more, whether you realize it or not, if you are a meditator, Yoga practitioner, an Alchemist, a Raw Fooder, or Tai Chi student, you are a Life Force scientist. So is the person seeking to manage his/her own health, supervise his/her personal growth, or direct his/her destiny. It’s all about evolutionary transformation. That’s the goal of Life Force Science — transformation and rejuvenation. Only the labels separate us as individuals. Life Force, or Kundalini, cuts across all labels. So forget about the labels and concentrate on what works and what doesn’t. How can you know what works? Your body will tell you what works and what doesn’t. And that’s important because not all methods work and not all paths lead to Nirvana. Not all baseball players hit .300. Not all economists can fix the economy. So, although all methods offer transformation, not all of them work.